Hero photograph
Photo by Ashleigh Kerin

Project Jonah!

Ashleigh Kerin —

On Thursday the 19th of October, we had Project Jonah come and visit the Rito Hub to talk to us about New Zealand Whales and Dolphins.

We learned about the different whales and dolphins that we can see in New Zealand's Oceans, the children took a particular interest in the Hector's Dolphins, the world's smallest dolphin found here in NZ. We also learned about the Maui Dolphin, which is the rarest in the world.

Kelly talked to us about the largest living mammal - the Blue Whale. We discovered that it has a heart which is the size of a small car and its tongue is as heavy as a baby elephant! Who knew? 

The Blue Whale is 30 metres long - the photo above shows the children lining up to demonstrate the length of the Blue Whale.

Project Jonah are Whale medics who help with the whale strandings around New Zealand coastlines. Kelly talked about how if we see a stranded whale, we can help by using old sheets and water - making sure there are no air pockets between the sheet and the whale's skin, as this will cause their fragile skin to burn.

If we see a stranded Whale we can call 0800 4 Whale.

For more information, you can check out their website: projectjonah.org.nz