Hero photograph
Photo by Abby Bills-Strange

Ko Taku Reo

Abby Bills-Strange —

Mathsthis week we have been looking at our skip counting and adding 5 to a number in our heads to get the answer.

It’s so great that all the students have developed new skills in both of these maths skills. They will use these skills to become even more confident when we start learning different skills.

I really love how the students are open to the new learning and are able to share this with others and also to use this in other areas in Maths and their learning.

Writing - over the next couple of weeks we are going to learn Procedural writing. This is where we write about how to do something or how to make something. E.g Recipe – like making cup cakes or how to play a video game.

The students will learn the language linked to Procedural Writing, like first, next, then etc … and will write instructions clear enough for someone to either do the activity or make the baking. It could be interesting if they forget to add something in their explaining.

National Hui –Our National Hui was amazing and it was so great seeing the different provisions around New Zealand of Ko Taku Reo.

We have some very talented and clever students at Ko Taku Reo – and it was great to be able to celebrate with them.

I hope you were able to connect online and watch the hui on ZOOM.

Harold the Giraffe – Life Education Van is at school and we visited him on Thursday and Friday. Harold talked about how we are all ‘UNIQUE’ and we should be ‘PROUD’ of who we are.   

Well-being – we have been learning about our Emotions over the last few weeks and we learnt that there are different things that make us sometimes feel the way we do.

We also learnt that we all have something inside us that is amazing and that is our Creativity.

We looked at a book called “The Dot”. It talks about a little girl who didn’t know she could draw and just put a ‘dot’ on her page. She then thought to herself she could make it ‘better’ and made an amazing picture starting from just the ‘dot’.

We also did a ‘dot’ drawing. And we were amazed at how we did. We looked at all our pictures and realised although they started the same way they all ended up very different and unique. Just as we are.