Hero photograph
Photo by Tracey Young

Help Blair and Matua Anton run the New York Marathon 2023!

Tracey Young —

We are very fortunate to have Matua Anton working with our Senior and Junior Kapahaka groups. It is amazing how he is using his hobby of running to support others. This is an example of our values in action!

A message from Matua Anton:

Blair McConnell (totally blind athlete) and Matua Anton (guide) are running the New York Marathon November 2023. We need help to get there! Please visit our give a little page to support us on our journey! This will be Blair's first attempt at a full marathon. All the best Blair!

Tihei Mauri Ora!

Link: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/blairmcconnell-anton-newyorkmarathon2023

Or QR code for give a little page