Ko Taku Reo
Writing - We continue to learn about Instructional Writing this week and we thought about and then wrote the instructions to clean our teeth and to make a sandwich. It was so funny because some students left out some ‘important’ information instructions – which meant that the end result was a little different. E.g When rinsing our mouth after brushing our teeth – they didn’t say to then ‘spit’ out the water – which meant they were walking all day with water in their mouth. and the other was when we made a sandwich the students said put the jam on the bread – which meant I put the ‘jar of jam’ on the slice of bread – a bit hard to eat. The students really learnt the importance of giving all the instructions.
Maths - This week in Maths we became experts in consolidating our new understanding of equations / equality /equal to. Students were able to take 2 sets of numbers and see how they equalled. It was a fun learning activity – Ask your student about this new learning, you will very impressed with how clever they are. The other group became really confident and correct with naming shapes. They were able to say what shape has 3 sides and 3 corners, or which shape has only 1 side and no corners, (E.g triangle/Circle). They then took the shapes they had learnt and drew an animal. It was so great seeing the student recognise the shapes and able to name them confidently.
Facial Expressions - We also have been learning from Janice our NZSL Tutor about how our ‘faces’ change with different emotions. We have been practicing our happy faces, sad faces, and confused faces. This is a very important part of our communication and we will continue to practice this so we get more confident over the next few weeks.
Sport - Congratulations Jackson for getting in the Y7/8 Soccer Team for Wharenui School.
Jackson walks down to Hagley Park with the team and teachers on a Friday to play his games.
Last week for his first game the team won 1-0 - YAYYYY !!
Print Making - We learnt about print making this week. We started first with a ‘drawing’ on paper and then we transferred this onto cardboard to make a ‘template’.
After that we glued this onto card and put paint on it.
The last thing we did was to put a piece of white paper over the template and roll the back of the white paper.
This made the paint go onto the white paper to show our template.