Hero photograph
Photo by Abby Bills-Strange

Ko Taku Reo

Abby Bills-Strange —

It's been a week of celebrations. We have celebrated Diwali and Parihaka.

Kea Class have been learning about ‘Turns’ – Full turns, half turns and quarter turns. We used our bodies, crayons and string and paint to assist our learning. We made ‘bread’ , this was a follow up activity to our big book “It’s My bread”. We also changed the name ‘bread’ to the Maori word ‘Paraoa’. We learnt about Diwali – the ‘Festival of Light’ and in health we are learning about ‘healthy eating’. We still have lots of exciting learning to come over the next few weeks.

Have a look at our super cool Diwali Elephants made out of our hand prints and sparkly diamantes.

Tui Class: for Maths we continued our learning about direction and positioning – we extended our learning and looked at compass points and learnt the rhyme – Never Eat Soggy Weet-bix – N-S-E-W. We loved this learning and know that we will use it again outside of school times as well. We all finished our Art Showcase Portfolios also, please look at this  link to see your child’s amazing work. They look AWESOME! On Tuesday this week our Y8 students visited Hillmorton Provision and they enjoyed it so much. They have 3 more visits coming up and are looking forward to these visits, as they are a great time for them to understand the way a high school operates. Here is the link to the Arts Showcase for Ko Taku Reo – We hope you enjoy our amazing students from the North Island and the South Island. 

Kea Class have had fun with our Big book “Bubbles”