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Rata's Matariki Art. The Nest's Matariki Art.
Rata have created kites for their Matariki Art. We used the book "The Seven Kites of Matariki" by Calico McClintock and Dominique Ford as inspiration for our art.
First Rata chose their kite shape and designed their kites on paper. At the same time they all worked together to paint the background for the art.
Then Rata recreated their designs with popsicle sticks. They also wanted to have a picture of themselves hanging from the string on the art. To create this look they hung from the playground for the photos.
Finally the Matariki stars were added to the background and the kites and photos were attached.
Rata hope you like our Matariki Art.
The Nest have created Tama-Nui-Te-Rā (the sun).