News from the Karawhā Team
Joyce Maria Soosai - October 19, 2022
Kei te harikoa matou ki te whakapuaki i a matou korero.
We are happy to share our news from Karawhā.
We have started Term 4 with a splash at Te Pou Toe Toe! It has been wonderful to start off with our two weeks of swimming lessons. Many tamariki from Karawhā have progressed in their abilities and are starting to spend lots of time in the big pool. Ka Rawe koutou!
This term we are completing our 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' unit. We have begun by learning how we are all unique and positive ways that we can be confident. As part of this unit, we will be visited and taught by Constable Geoff, which is something that we are all looking forward to.
We are already practising hard for some of the many upcoming events that our tamariki will be able to take part in such as Athletics day, Tūhono- the Kapahaka Festival at the Town Hall and Muddy Good run to name just a few!
It will be a fun and very busy term so it is important that the lovely Karawhā tamariki are getting some good rest also. We have loved seeing whānau alongside us at the pool and are excited to see whānau at the whānau hui next week.