Hero photograph
Photo by Amy Collins

Mrs Meredith Cassidy - Learning Support Co-ordinator and SENCo at Whītau School

Amy Collins —

Tēnā koutou katoa. My name is Meredith Cassidy. I am passionate about and dedicated to supporting ākonga, kaiako and whanau to promote learning and to ensure the New Zealand Curriculum is accessible to all tamariki. Outside of work I enjoy reading, cooking, hitting the gym, spending time with my husband Quentin, our cats Elvis & Mo and our whānau.

Tūngia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te tupu o te harakeke.

Clear away the overgrown bush so that the new flax shoots will spring up.

Remove barriers to learning, engagement and wellbeing so that our mokopuna will flourish. 
