Hero photograph
Photo by Heather Walkinshaw

Huritini Student Council Presentation


The Waipuna/Halswell, Hornby, Riccarton Community Board were privileged to have representation from the Huritini Student Council on Monday evening.

Wigram Primary School has two year 6 students, Karaitiana and Vadim, representing the school on this Student Council, along with two students from each of the following schools - Aidenfield Christian, Knights Stream, Halswell and Oaklands.

The group have been working with Anne Galloway around how young people can be influential in their community.  Together the students have collaborated on a joint venture around Westlake Park.  They have identified ways to make this area a better place, and presented their ideas to the Community Board meeting.  They focussed on asking for informative signage around the flora and fauna, as well as funds to be involved in getting a mural painted on the toilet block wall.

They had prepared slides to talk to and all spoke in support of the project ideas.

They now await an outcome for signage support, and costs to engage an artist.  The Community Board have pledged to be back in touch, and engage with the students, within the next 3 months.  A very positive outcome.

Getting up and speaking to 12 adults, and numerous visitors, is no easy task.  Well done Vadim and Karaitiana, and thanks to Miss Lucy Ferguson for supporting the students in this venture.

Student Voice
On Tuesday myself and Vadim attended the Christchurch City Council Community Board funding Presentation. We discussed all the troubles at Westlake Park in Halswell. We talked about painting a mural of the animals at Westlake park on the toilet blocks. We also talked about how we need to get new signs because the old signs are hard to read and faded and due to this, people have been letting their dogs run around without leads and they are then trampling the duck eggs and picking and fishing the eels which is not permitted.

As a result, we hope that we can get funding for new signs and help our community connect with the wildlife living at Westlake park. We are really trying to make a difference. So if you take a visit to Westlake Park and see people disobeying the rules, just remind them. Then you will be a part of something great.

By Karaitiana