WPS — Aug 11, 2021

Due to Teacher sickness there are still some people we will catch up on as they had their conference postponed.

We have been disappointed with the number of parents who did not make a conference time.  Conferences focus on a wider range of learning, give the opportunity for parents to ask questions, and for children to share parts of their learning with parents.

Our data tells us that quite a number of families have not yet accessed and read the reports that went live at the end of last term.  This is how we inform you of aspects of learning your child is having success with, and what is next.  We shaped this last lot of reporting around Celebrating Learning.  If you are having difficulty accessing the report please let us know so we can overcome this barrier.

Thank you to the parents who did come along, and we hope you enjoyed the experience.  If you want to make a time to talk with a teacher, please contact the learning space teacher, or ring the office and we will give the teacher your contact details.  It is not too late.