Duffy Books in Homes


We have been very privileged to be able to offer this programme for many years to all students in the school.

The programme is made up of a number of elements and enables all students to received free books and to create their own library at home.  In term 1 and 3 the children get a minimum of 2 books, and 1 book in term 2.  We hold 'Caught Being Good' assemblies fortnightly where teachers nominate students to receive a book, as well as books often used as prizes for our Kahu Card draw at the same assembly.  The programme also has a free Duffy Theatre play each year (we had ours just recently), Mothers Day book, Fathers Day book, Grandparent book, and School Leaders book as well.  They also contribute a book and cup for our end of year leavers presentation as well.

We hear from ex-students regularly about these books being a highlight of their time at school.  Last week the students attended a Role Model Assembly where           spoke to the children, and their Term 1 books were given out.

Our thanks to the Lion Foundation and Ravensdown for sponsoring our school Duffy programme.