Hero photograph
Photo by Heather Walkinshaw



Being kept at Covid Level 2 is so frustrating for us all. We will have to re-evaluate what an End of Year Celebration Assembly looks like, and other activities we can do as a school.

School End of Year Reporting

We will set up HERO to go live on Friday 26 November.  As we have not been able to touch base with parents in ways we normally do, we will offer some three-way conferences in week 8 (6-9 December).  This is just for parents who would like to discuss learning progress.

Hats for Sun Protection 

Term 4 is a 'must wear hats' in the playground.  Please hunt out your school hat ready for use on the first day of term.  After week one we will be implementing the 'no hat, no play' rule.  Those without a hat will be restricted to the covered, shaded verandah areas. Hats are available for sale through the school Office at a cost of $14.  

Leavers Dinner

While we are unable to offer the full experience to our Leaving Students this year, there will still be a Dinner and Prizegiving. - Save the date: Thursday 9 December 6pm (dinner), prizegiving 7pm, at Riccarton Park Raceway.

One restriction we do have is that there will only be one ticket per family to attend the prizegiving section of the evening.  We are limited by the Covid restricted numbers of 100 for the venue.   Photos will be taken and shared with families following the event.

Heather Walkinshaw
