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Wigram Primary School - Te Piki Kāhu

by Gerhard Potgieter

Learn - Create - Share

WPS - October 26, 2022

At Wigram Primary School, we incorporate Manaiakalani’s Learn, Create and Share Philosophy across all curriculum areas. Learn, Create, Share puts our tamariki at the very centre of their own learning.

Our tamariki learn as they engage in shared activities and conversations with other people, including whānau and people in the wider community. Kaiako encourage this process by cultivating a learning community and crafting authentic learning experiences for all.

Our aim is for our tamariki to be empowered, visible, connected and have ubiquitous learning (anywhere, anytime, any pace) through the use of digital tools on Chromebooks and iPads. Tamariki are able to delve into a range of multi-modal activities to enhance and create transformational learning opportunities, increasing engagement and accelerating student achievement.

We work collaboratively within our learning spaces, kura, Uru Mānuka and the wider world to make connections through blogs, sites and social media.