Marc Gibson — Mar 29, 2021

During Term 1, Kererū, Ruru and Toroa went swimming at Kings Swim School. Have a read of some of the learners recounts on Swimming.

I walked to my lane and we had to safely get in the pool. Suddenly, it started feeling warmer and warmer. At first we blew bubbles. It felt so fantastic, the water was super wavy and shimmering! It was pretty easy blowing bubbles. Then we started to float! I didn’t know how to float but once I tried, I could! I felt super relaxed. - Jolin

First the instructor told us to do some wiggly worm to the platform. Next the teacher asked us to swim freestyle all the way back to the wall. As we swam to the wall there was a lot of splashing. Splash! Splash! Splash! Next we went out of the pool and went to the deep end to do some diving. - Jamilah

Bus 3a lined up on the court. Mr G did a quick headcount. There were 19 in total. “Three to a seat” said Miss B. I was sitting next to Austin and Kieran. We decided to sing Baby Shark. I looked out the window and saw the cars whizzing past. They were shimmering in the sun. The bus halted to a stop. My swim teacher made us do backstroke, then we practiced diving. - Archie

In week 7 and 8 Kererū went to Kings Swim School. I was in group 3C. We went on the bus after lunch. I had my togs on, then we had to shower before we hopped into the pool. The swimming teacher taught us how to do backstroke. - Jennifer

When we went to Kings Swim School we took a bus. It was fun. When we got there we went to put on our togs. We took a shower. Then we got straight into the pool. We learnt to float on our back. When we went out of the pool, it was slippery. It was fun and hard. - Hana

When my name was called out I had a quick shower. I entered the pool safely and then we started swimming. My group did freestyle, backstroke, streamline and floating. Finally, we played a quick game. Lastly, my group hopped out of the pool, got changed and headed upstairs. - Austin

Three to a seat on the bus, we went to swimming. I hopped in the pool safely and we did backstroke. It was fun. Then we hopped out of the pool and did dives into the pool. - Chloe 

Last week Kererū and Ruru went swimming at Kings Swim School. I was excited to swim. First we went to the dry room and then we went into the pool. In the pool I practiced diving. It was fun. - Anna

Thanks to Kings Swim School for having us and teaching us swimming.