Lucy Ferguson — Jun 30, 2021

Wigram Primary is now a part of the Keep Christchurch Beautiful in Schools programme and we have been working with Linda Keall to improve our school environment.

Currently, Wigram Primary is a part of the terracycle programme. This means that over the past year, the school's Eco Club has saved 8kg of glad wrap and glad bags from going to landfill. We have also recycled 6kg of used/broken pens. Mr. Rob has been working hard with the children from Ruru to create a compost bin and, soon-to-be worm farm... watch this space!
Keep Christchurch Beautiful donated Wigram Primary some clean up kits to help with our school's rubbish clean up. Here are some photos of the children using their clean up kits to collect rubbish from around our school.

Thank you KCB for the kits and thank you, Eco Club, for all of your hard work around the school.