Hero photograph
Photo by Heather Walkinshaw



Winter has made an entrance in the last two weeks. Those lovely autumn colours are all but gone from the trees. It is a good time to think about winter layers to keep warm. Please make sure any undergarments and tights are black.

Learning Space Coffee Meetings - please look out for the invite to these meetings.  A great way to meet with other parents linked to the classroom, and a chance to talk to the teachers.

New Zealand Graduate School Interns

Over the next 6 weeks each learning space will be welcoming one or two Grad Interns.  These young people will be working alongside the classroom teachers and supporting the learning in the room.  We welcome Paula, Rachel, Scarlett, India, Alex, Izzy, Karly, Shevaun and Leticia.  All work they are doing is overseen by the classroom teachers.

Winter Sport

On Friday 28 May our Year 5 & 6 students will be heading off the competed in the Hornby Cluster Winter Aport Competition.  Our students will be playing rugby, football, netball or hockey.  The games are centred around Denton Park and Hornby High School.  Thanks to our Government Donations Grant there is no cost for the buses for these trips.  A notice about the sport is being sent home electronically.

Cultural Assembly

Thank you to everyone who engaged with us today for this event.  The amount of food representing a wide range of cultures certainly was in abundance for sharing with the House groups.  It was great to see so many families supporting their children as they presented their family flags with pride.  We hope you enjoyed the event and learned something about another culture along the way.  Our thanks to Fiona Lunan for her organisation of the day, and the support of all of the staff too.  Photos to follow on class blogs and in our newsletter next time.

Heather Walkinshaw
