Last week we were lucky enough to have Jo an expert from Numicon come and work alongside us again. Supporting our teachers in their learning spaces.
Midway through 2021 Wigram Primary School implemented a school-wide math’s programme ‘Numicon’. This programme is aligned with the NZ Curriculum.
Numicon is a spiral approach that includes all the mathematical strands working together. It is a very hands-on, practical approach to the teaching of mathematics.
Numicon is based on the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach.
The children manipulate equipment to demonstrate, broaden and share their mathematical understanding using the language of math.
At the beginning of the year, all staff new to Wigram attended a morning of professional development with Jo. To grow their understanding of the planning, teaching and assessment of mathematics using the Numicon Programme. Jo joined us again last week to model lessons in our learning spaces. Our teachers learnt so much watching an expert in action.
Our next step in Term 2 when Jo returns to Wigram is for her to see our teachers and students in action.