Hero photograph
Photo by Gerhard Potgieter

Sleep... What are the guidelines for primary aged children?


We thought that it would be a good idea to provide you with the recommended hours of sleep for primary aged children according to the New Zealand Health website. 

They recommend for kids between the ages of 5-13 that they should sleep between 9-11 hours. They also mention that "sleep is important for restoring energy and helping children grow and develop. More and more evidence suggests that not enough or poor quality sleep can have a negative effect on a child’s behaviour, learning, health, wellbeing and weight".

Having a structured routine in the hour before bedtime also helps to prepare the body for getting to bed and relaxing ready for sleep.  Remember - you as the parent are the one in charge of bedtimes, routines and expectations for your child - no matter what they might think!

We find, at times, that children come to school really tired and that it is evident that they do not get enough sleep. The above quote demonstrates that poor sleep will have a direct impact on their learning. So we encourage all whanau to ensure that your child gets into bed at an appropriate time to ensure they get a sufficient amount of sleep.