Hero photograph
Photo by Heather Walkinshaw

School starts at 8:55am


Arriving at school early gives children the chance to organise themselves and their belongings, as well as socialise before the school day starts.

We have a number of families who are repeatedly dropping their children off late to school.  This can be very upsetting for the child as they enter into the classroom with other children already into their learning programme and instructions are missed.

30 mins late daily can equate to 6 months of school absence over a 5 year period.

This is learning time that your child can never get back.

Please organise your household routines to allow time for your child to come into school unrushed and able to perform their before-school tasks.  This helps them develop independence.

School starts promptly at 8:55am - don't be late.  Be a great role model for your child.