Hero photograph
Photo by Heather Walkinshaw

Staffing Changes for 2022


At a recent Board of Trustees Meeting the Board accepted the resignation of four staff and leave approval for another.

Firstly we accepted the resignation of Teacher Aide Victoria Dunn, as she is heading for retirement.  Teaching staff resignations - Mrs Rachael Hefferman has accepted a position with the Ministry of Education in the field of PB4L support for schools, and Mr Rhys Williams has accepted a teaching position at Mairehau Primary School.

Miss Ellie Cruz (Teacher Aide) will be undertaking study at UC next year in a Master of Education.

Miss Lucy Thomason is taking 6 months parental leave to welcome her baby in February.

Staff Appointments

Caisee Loye will take on an Acting Team Leader role in Pukeko 

We welcome back - Miss Harriet Burke and Miss Serena White to teaching positions for 2022, as well as permanent appointments of Miss Muriel Pehi and Miss Amelia Ryman, and Mr Brian Walkinshaw to a 6 month fixed term role to cover Parental leave.

New to our staff - Ms Michelle Pothan - to Team Leader for Year 2, and Mr Michael Leung to a permanent teaching role.

Change is always hard and we have to adapt to this as part of the everyday world around us.  We are trying to find some creative ways to be able to farewell leaving staff, and particularly Rachael who has been associated with the school for 16 years.  Victoria has been a long serving Teacher Aide as well.