Hero photograph
Photo by Gerhard Potgieter

Parenting workshop on anxiety


Join us for some kai and a practical workshop facilitated by Mana Ake - childcare provided - 17th May - 5.30-7pm

What a world we live in! It certainly seems like the saying “change is the only constant in life” continues to ring true on so many levels. These changes can certainly spark some worries or anxiety in our tamariki, and let’s not forgot ourselves as parents too. Mana Ake is a school based service providing wellbeing intervention and support for tamariki and whānau. 

Join us on the 17th May at 5.30 - 7pm for some kai and a presentation around how emotions work in the brain, exploring how to talk to your tamariki about worries, and some practical strategies for ongoing positive support of worries and anxiety at home.

Childcare will be provided.

For catering and childcare purposes, we need you to email Gerhard if you are planning to come - gpotgieter@wigramprimary.school.nz