by Gerhard Potgieter

Mid-year Report Information - part 2

In our last newsletter, we made you aware that you will be receiving mid-year reports at the end of term 2 through our student management system, Hero. This article is to provide you with additional information to inform you about reporting and how our reporting system works.

As we mentioned in the last newsletter, the mid-year report sits alongside the opportunity to book a meeting with one of your child's teachers to have a discussion with them about their progress. The meeting will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions about the report, and student learning. This will be happening early term 3.

Teachers use many different ways to find out where your child is at. This includes a range of formal tests and assessments, watching your child working in the classroom, talking with your child about their learning and having your child provide feedback on their own and other’s work.

Please celebrate your child’s achievements. Children’s natural abilities differ, as do the rates at which they learn. It would be unwise to compare this report with that of another child.

Attached is a diagram from the New Zealand Curriculum that shows how curriculum levels typically relate to years at school. Many students do not, however, fit this pattern. They include those with special learning needs, those who are gifted and those who come from non-English- speaking backgrounds. Students learning an additional language are also unlikely to follow the suggested progression: level 1 is the entry level for those with no prior knowledge of the language being learned, regardless of their school year.

Please feel free to speak to us if you would like additional clarification how about our reporting process.