Hats are available at the school office. by Michelle Gordon

No hat, no play.

Hats are an important part of sun safety at Wigram Primary School.

We are noticing that a growing number of our children do not have a hat to wear during their times outside.  We would encourage you to please make sure that your child has a hat in their bag everyday.  It is a school rule that in Term 1 and Term 4 all children must wear hats and it is disappointing for them when they do not get to play outside during the break times.

by Gerhard Potgieter

Policy Review - Term 1, 2023

Wigram Primary School works through a cycle of regular review of key policy and topic areas each year.

In term 1, the focus is on:

  • Student Attendance

  • Enrolment

  • Uniform/Dress Code

These policies are open for review by parents and staff until the end of Term One.

To review an area and provide feedback please:

  1. Visit the website https: https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/

  2. Enter the username (sockburn) and password (sockburn)

  3. Go to Current Review

  4. Review the following policies: 

Student attendance, enrolment and uniform

You will find a review page on each of the policies that you can complete

If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

What happens with your feedback?

The board reviews school policy regularly. Collective feedback from staff, boards, parents and leadership of schools across New Zealand ensure that school policy is robust and relevant for our context. Review feedback helps to guide the future actions of Wigram Primary School.

All rights reserved, Wigram Primary School - Te Piki Kāhu, 2025 | Accessibility