by Heather Walkinshaw


Welcome to our Newsletter #15 for 2022

Grad School Interns

Over the last 7 weeks we have been hosting 5 Interns as they learn the craft of teaching.  It is always a pleasure to have them in our classrooms and they have supported the staff and students well.  We wish them all the best for their teaching future.

Book Week this Week

Thank you to all of the families who have engaged in the 'Reading a book in funny places' competition.  Some of those places were amazing.  Some looked comfortable and some not so.  Check out the photos on the class or student blogs.

Tomorrow will be so much fun with our character Dress Up Day.  Even the teachers love a good dress up.

Learning Conferences

Staff really appreciated having the opportunity to meet with parents at the conferences this week.  It has made it a very busy end to the term.

Next term the focus will be on Mathematics and there will be an optional conference offered.  These conferences will be during the school day and will be likely run by the Team Leader.

2023 Planning

We have been working really hard on our structure and Learning Team line-ups for 2023.  Hopefully this will be able to be shared in our next newsletter.

All staff at Wigram Primary wish you all a safe and happy holiday break.

Kind regards

Heather Walkinshaw
