by Gerhard Potgieter

Reports - Will go live next week

We are making our community aware that reports will go live next Thursday via Hero

The focus of this report will be on Writing, one of the school values and an Inquiry comment. The report will also indicate three goals that your child is working on in Reading and Writing. 

It is really important to see this report alongside other pieces of information that we have already communicated to you such as the Reading comment in Term 2 and the three way conferences we did at the start of this term.

Also, there will be an opportunity for you to meet and discuss with your child's teacher in week 10. This is a great opportunity to ask further questions and discuss/celebrate your child's progress. You will receive more information about this in the near future.

We highly encourage you to sit with your child and read your child's comments to them. It is a powerful opportunity to celebrate what they have achieved so far.