by Heather Walkinshaw


Welcome to Term 3

This is the term of coughs and bugs

Please, if your child is unwell, keep them at home.  Schools can be a super spreader - keeping your child away during this time is a safe guard to everyone.  Please remember to contact the school office if your child is away.

Stage 2 Build

Work is underway with the carpark extension.  Work trucks will not be coming in or out during drop off and pick up times.  Safe walking barriers have been put up.

School Production

Our very talented Mrs Lee and Miss Ryman have been busy with a script for our production over the holidays.  All students will be involved in the production and there will be three performances. 

Performances will be held in week 9 - 

      22nd September - Matinee and Evening performance

      23rd September - Evening Performance

More details will be shared later in the term.

Welcome back

We have welcomed back Whaea Bonnie to Ruru as the class release teacher.  It is lovely to see your smiling face back at school.

Heather Walkinshaw
