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Wigram Primary School - Te Piki Kāhu

Wigram Primary School Newsletter 22 Feb 2024


Top Team Challenge

by WPS

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Rubbish Free Lunch Boxes

by Lucy Ferguson

We are 4 weeks into our rubbish free transformation and what a difference it has made!

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Safety around the School Gate

by WPS

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From the Principals' Desk

by WPS

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Calendar of Events Term 1

by WPS

A great way to keep up with what is about to happen round here......

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Welcome to Wigram Primary School

by WPS

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Do we have your correct details?

by WPS

Do you need to update your contact details with us? Your child's medical details?

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How to Deal with an Issue

by WPS

From time to time your child may come home from school with a tale - If what you hear concerns you what do you do?

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Becoming a board member - Why not join our school board?

by WPS

This year we will begin the process for a by election to add 4 new members to our Board of Trustees. We will be seeking interested parents to be part of our active Board of Trustees. The term of this elected Board will be approx 18 months. Could this be a great way for you to be actively involved in the school?

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by WPS

The National Government has declared that cellphones may not be used at school.

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Is it Rude, Mean or Bullying?

by WPS

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Thought of the Week

by WPS

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Skool Loop is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening at school.

by WPS

Have you ever been frustrated at not being able to find the latest newsletter? It is available in a number of places. Hero, on the school website and just a click away on Skool loop.

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by WPS

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Lunch Orders on Line

by WPS

Orders can be placed at

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Horizons OSCAR before and after school programmes at a school near you

by WPS

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Community Notices

by WPS

So what is going on in our community........

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