by Heather Walkinshaw

From the Principals' Desk

Wow, and with that we are at the end of Term 3. Amazing how quickly the term goes by.

Kia ora e te whānau

Book Week

Lots of book week activities were undertaken last week with teachers reading to different groups across the school and competitions also.  Great to see so many people dressed up on Wednesday for our Character Dressup day.  Always a fun day. It was great that we could coincide this with our Duffy Books being delivered to the classrooms.

After School Pickup

A concern has been raised by one of our school families about the number of very young children they are noticing leaving the school grounds without an adult, and walking some distance on their own.  Some even crossing busy roads by them selves.  

Young children do not have the road sense we have as adults, and can easily be distracted and become flustered around traffic.  

We recommend children under the age of 6 years are collected from their classroom.

Camp Fundraising

Thanks to everyone who has helped by buying pizza or attending the Disco.  The Disco raised just under $2000 and about $1500 from the 2 pizza lunches.  The Year 4-6 teams are looking forward to their camps in Term 4.  


Reminder that hats are to be worn in Term 4.  Please make sure the hats are named so if they get misplaced they can be returned to the right owner.

Unclaimed Uniform

Thursday afternoon and Friday morning all unclaimed school clothing will be on the mound by the Toroa and Kotuku learning space.  Parents are asked to check if any of their missing uniform items are there.

Working Bee

On Tuesday 10 October we will be receiving a truckload of sand and softfall bark for our sandpit and playgrounds.  We would love to have some parent help with the spreading of the sand and bark.  Bringing some tools to help with this would be fantastic.  Unfortunately our Mr Rob has had a hand accident at home and will be of limited support for a number of weeks.

Term 4 is 'Wear your hat' term - Please get the hat ready for a Term 4 start.  Hats are available for purchase from the school office.


It is with sadness that we farewell Mrs Mariska Putter from our school teaching team.  Mariska and her family are relocating to Brisbane and she will be taking up a teaching position in Brisbane for the final term of the year.

We wish them all the best with their new venture.  

We thank Miss Lucy Thomason for stepping in to Mariska's class role for the term.


Ngā mihi nui

Heather Walkinshaw
