Office - February 7, 2024
Being Winch Wise at Winchester Rural School - 2023
WInchester Rural School is a PB4L - ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ school. This is our third year. You will hear your child talk about being Winch Wise and receiving tokens (in the playground) or pom poms or dojo points in the class which they receive when they have shown ‘Winch Wise Ways’ by meeting the expectations that are being taught at school.
WRS PB4L Statement - Our aim is to create a safe, consistent and inclusive environment in which we encourage our learners to be inquisitive through inquiry learning, connect within the community and show kind hearts by caring for themselves, others and our places.
Our value posters include the three languages of NZ; English, Te Reo and sign language.
Winch Wise tokens and pompoms are given to the children showing these values in their behaviour and learning. In the playground the children will earn token and in the classroom they will receive a class coloured pom pom or a dojo point.
When these are put into the class jar each child will have their number of tokens or pompoms / dojo points recorded so they get an individual award.
Individual Acknowledgement - Once they have earnt 20 tokens or pompoms they will get to choose a reward such as free time, time with a buddy or something from the treasure chest. This is age appropriate in the different classes.
This will be the same for 40, 60 and 80.
When they receive 100 acknowledgements they will receive a special Winch Wise 100 certificate at assembly which has been designed by our Student Winch Wise - PB4L leaders. They will also receive a silicon Winch Wise wrist band, which are the colours of our school values and the children choose what colour they wish to have.
The children will repeat the same process for the next Winch Wise 100-200 and so on.
Class Acknowledgement - Once the class jar is full , the whole class will choose a reward to do together.
The full class jar then gets emptied into the whole school jar.
Whole School Acknowledgement - once this jar is full, the whole school will get a reward together.
Assembly Certificates - in our assemblies the children receive class certificates which are school value based.
The Wheel of Choice - to help your child solve problems for themself we have the wheel of choice, which we teach in the classroom to encourage children to become more confident and resilient to deal with minor everyday problems.
Please do not hesitate to ask your child’s teacher if you wish to know more about being Winch Wise at Winchester Rural School.