Serious research! by Tre Sylvawood
Winchester Rural School — September 17, 2023
There are the twelve rules to help keep your child cyber safe as outlined in the cyber safety use agreement.
1. I must get my parent/s to sign the use agreement and return it to school.
All children must have a use agreement signed by their parent. These agreements are an essential part of cyber safety procedure and programmes for our school.
2. I can use the school computers, iPads and other school ICT equipment for school learning and only with my teacher’s permission.
This helps to ensure the equipment is available when children need to use it for their learning. It will also help to reduce the likelihood of any inappropriate activities taking place which put the safety of the learning environment at risk.
3. I can only go online or use the Internet at school when a teacher gives permission and an adult is present.
There must be an educational purpose for children being online or accessing the Internet. Having an adult present (teacher or teacher’s aide) will help to ensure children’s safety.
4. If there is something I’m not sure about I will ask my teacher.
This helps children to take responsibility for their own actions, and seek advice when they are unsure of what to do. It provides an opportunity for the teacher and child to work through an issue, and so avoid the child making an unwise decision which could possibly lead to serious consequences.
5. I will not use the Internet, email, mobile phones, or any other ICT equipment to be mean, rude or unkind about other people. I will uphold the Winch Wise Values.
Unfortunately, along with many benefits, technology has also provided new ways to carry out anti-social activities. Bullying and harassment by text message, for example, is becoming a major problem in New Zealand and in many other countries. Often children become involved in these acts through peer pressure, without thinking of the consequences.
6. I will not tell anyone else my password.
Passwords perform two main functions. Firstly, they help to ensure only approved persons can access the school ICT facilities. Secondly, they are used to track how those facilities are used. Knowing how the equipment is being used and by whom, helps the school to maintain a cyber safe environment for all users and teaches the child the importance of personal security.
7. If I find anything that upsets me, is mean or rude, or things I know are unacceptable at our school, I will not show others, and will switch the screen off immediately and get a teacher straight away.
Because anyone at all can publish material on the Internet, it does contain material which is inappropriate and in some cases, illegal. The school has taken a number of steps to prevent this material from being accessed. However, there always remains the possibility that a child may inadvertently stumble across something inappropriate. Encouraging the child to tell a teacher immediately if they find something which they suspect may be inappropriate, encourages critical thinking and helps children to take responsibility for their actions and keep themselves and others safe. This way, they contribute to the digital safety of the school community. The ‘Hector Safety Button’ can also be downloaded by parents for use on home computers from
8. I must not bring any ICT equipment and devices to school without consent from my teacher and parents. This includes things like mobile phones, iDevices, games, cameras and software. USB drives and CD/DVD storage can be brought with teacher approval.
There is no need for children to have any of these privately owned devices at school unless they are BYOC.
9. I will ask my teacher’s permission before I put any personal information online.
This reduces the risk of children being contacted by someone who wishes to upset or harm them, or use their identity for purposes which might compromise children’s privacy or security online.
10. I will be careful and look after all our school ICT equipment by not being silly and playing with it, following our school cyber safety rules and telling a teacher about anything wrong or damaged.
Just as we look after and take care of any school equipment, children, as responsible users of ICT, have a role here.
11. I understand that if I break these rules the school may need to tell my parent(s).
Depending on the seriousness of the breach of the rules, the school may require a parent discussion. Loss of ICT use privileges for a period of time may also be considered.
12. I know I cannot get my work or photos of me learning, published on the school websites, newsletters and newspapers without my parent’s permission.
Staff will respect the privacy of children and their families and a permission form will be filled out upon entering Winchester Rural School, regarding anything, involving children and their work, being published on the school websites, newsletters, Facebook and newspapers.
There are three main reasons the school publishes a child’s material online:
Can you please discuss these rules with your child/ren.
If you require any further information regarding our cyber safety procedure, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Thank you