Hero photograph
Photo by Bronwen Seaward

Message from the Principal

Bronwen Seaward —

Kia ora, talofa lava, greetings everyone

Wow! What a busy term it has been so far! It feels like our feet have hardly touched the ground.  Our Windwhistle tamariki have started the year with a fantastic attitude to learning and are embracing all the opportunities we have on offer. We would like to thank all the parents who have helped out so far this term, without your help we would be unable to offer the amazing education outside of the classroom programme that our children deserve.

Our school community is growing and we would like to take the opportunity to welcome Navarone and Jonty to Room 1.  Mrs Mac is being kept very busy with 21 junior learners in her care and more yet to start before the end of term.  Due to this growth we have made a decision to welcome the Year 3 learners through into Room 2 at the start of Term 2.  We know that our Year 3 students have many friends in Room 2 and will be excited about the prospect of playing on the Room 2 playground and learning alongside their friends. 

Camp is nearly upon us and we are all really looking forward to the challenges that camp will give us. Please remember to check the gear lists that came home earlier this week. For more information on camp please head to the camp page on our website.

As a school we are proud of our reputation of being respectful students with the best manners in the Selwyn district. We will be focusing on this over the next few weeks and rewarding students for being 'caught' doing the right thing. Please help us out by talking about manners and respect at home. What do manners and respect look like in your household?

Have a fantastic weekend with your families

Ka kite

Bronwen Seaward