Hero photograph
Photo by Windwhistle School

Life Education with Harold

Room 1 and Alex B from Room 2 —

The main theme was "being a good friend" Read on for our reflections.

Room 1 say the following:

I can be a good friend ...

"because I went to Pippas show" - Pippa

"because I helped Pippa when she hurt her foot" - Molly

"I helped Paddy plant a tomato" - Henry

"I helped Guy get up" - Jonty

"I play with Navarone on the trampoline" - Isla

"I can stick up for my friends when others are meant to them" - Harry

"I can play games with my friends" - Macsen

"At lunch Jonty looked like he was lonely so I went to help him" - Paddy

"I stuck up for Sam when Walter and Connor were calling him names" - Cooper

"I included Connor and Cooper when we were playing soccer" - Sam

"I gave Fergus a turn at passing the ball when we all played rugby" - Milton

Room 2 - Harold talked about Friendship and not to be a bully.  We watched a movie about Billy going to a new school and how we shouldn't act. We got put in to groups and had to do a small play about not bullying others. Amanda gave us a book about Friends and how to treat other people like you would want to be treated.