Together we LEARN, GROW, THRIVE!
- Monday 16 March
- Tuesday 17 March
- Windwhistle Playgroup in the school Wharenui from 9:30
- Malvern Swimming Sports
- Wednesday 18 March
- Thursday 19 March
- Friday 20 March
- Whole School Kapa Haka in the Wharenui 9-10am. All welcome!
Future 'Hold the Dates':
- Wednesday 25 March - Year 3 & 4 Sport Spectacular
- Thursday 26 March - Kererū trip to High Peak; Whānau Workshops (After School)
- Tuesday 31 March - Malvern Spelling Bee
- Monday 6 - Thursday 9 April - Wellington Camp (Year 5 & 6)
Click here for our Windwhistle School Community Calendar
On Tuesday the ECV visited from the Selwyn Libraries. They brought lego with them for us to create something. We chose to create beehives as Mrs Cookson had brought in a bee box to share with us. We had so much fun! Click here for more photos.
On Thursday Kererū continued their learning about our Taonga or treasures. Each child took responsibility for collecting some materials from home to bring and use for weaving an personalised panel. The finished results are wonderful - come and check them out in our learning space. Click here for more photos.
For more regular updates follow us on Facebook
Malvern Swimming Sports
We wish the following children good luck as they head to the Rolleston Pool next Tuesday to represent Windwhistle School Te Uru Miro at the Malvern Swimming Sports: Pippa, Macsen, Sam and Martha.
Year 3 & 4 Sport Spectacular
The Selwyn Sports Trust, Sports Spectacular is an opportunity for Yr3-4 students from schools across Selwyn to learn about and participate in a different sport and the learn skills/movements required for this sport.
Those school groups involved will ‘travel’ along a sports pathway, playing and having fun at each sport which has different movement/skill focus. Parents, Teachers and Whanau are invited to join in, participate in the activities, and learn more about the skills and outcomes that the sports are developing.
25th March 2020
Darfield Domain 9:30am - 11:30am
Support Teachers and Parents in the assessment, planning and development of sport specific skill learning within a broad child-centred framework supporting children’s physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.
We need 1-2 parents to provide transport to this event as we have 10 children to transport. Lucy Cookson will be the teacher in charge of this trip. Please let her know if you are available to help: lucy@windwhistle.school.nz
Bus Update
From Monday 23 March we will be trialing new times for the afternoon buses. The Glenroy bus will leave school at 3pm and the Coleridge bus will leave school at 3:30. This means that you can expect your children home 15 minutes later than normal. This will enable us to have 15 minutes longer in our school day - time is often the main factor teachers mention as a barrier to learning. This extra 15 minutes will be spent in the mornings on core learning with lunch moving to 12:30 - 1:15. Any feedback on this decision is much appreciated.
Communication Survey
Thanks to those of you who have completed this one question survey. If you are yet to do this please do so by clicking here. We value you input onto this decision.
We believe that effective communication is important to guarantee the success of our learners. This term we have trialed two emails per week. The What's On with general info and the K.I.T. with class specific info. The purpose of the change was to ensure class info did not get lost in the What's on, which was becoming quite large and hard to read (feedback from parents 2019). We are now half way through the term so would like your feedback on this system.
Coronavirus Update
You may have seen that the World Health Organisation has now declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic. As noted by the Minister of Health, this doesn’t change what New Zealand is doing to respond to coronavirus.
The Ministry of Health has been working through its pandemic plan since January. You will also know the Government has already implemented a range of measures to minimise the impacts to New Zealand. This includes border restrictions, a requirement to self-isolate on arrival in New Zealand from China, Iran, Italy and the Republic of Korea and immediate and detailed contact tracing of any confirmed cases. It is important to note those four countries account for more than 90% of cases globally and China and the Republic of Korea have significantly declining numbers of new cases.
We have 5 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand and it is pleasing to know they are all doing well and are at home. Their children, four students at Auckland schools, continue to be well and show no symptoms. While we expect that more cases will arise, the Ministry of Health says that with continued vigilance the chance of widespread community outbreak is expected to remain low in New Zealand. We all have a role to play in this.
For our school, our pandemic plan is also ready to be implemented if needed. In the mean time we will continue to focus on good hygiene practices. Hand washing and good cough etiquette are very important tools in preventing the spread of illness including colds, flu and COVID-19.
With that, there is a good video clip from Nanogirl that will help your children to better understand the virus - YouTube clip - Nanogirl
You may have also seen the Prime Minister sit down with Dr Michelle Dickinson (aka Nanogirl) and the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Juliet Gerrard, to talk about coronavirus:
One other action we can all take is to be vigilant about our own health and the health of our children. I will be encouraging my staff to stay away from school if they are showing signs of illness such as coughs and colds. I ask that you please do the same with your children. Colds and flus are common in schools and by staying away, seeking medical attention and practicing good hygiene, we can all keep any spread of illness to a minimum.
Wellington Camp (Year 5 & 6) Monday 6 - Thursday 9 April
Permission forms will be sent home on Monday. Please return these by Friday next week.
Garden to Table
Click here for this week's flat bread recipe - we added fresh herbs and crushed garlic today and they were really tasty. Some children mentioned they would like to try making them at home - have fun!
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons are now finished. We will continue to swim on warm days and reassess the pool each week. We have noticed a real drop off with the cooler weather lately.
Term 2 Hot Lunches
Given the popularity of the Sheffield Pie Shop savouries last year and a smaller number of families potentially available to cook hot lunches this coming winter we thought it would be great to carry on with Pie day on Mondays!! Funds to go towards subsidising the ski program in term 3.If you think you will have time to co-ordinate this for the school and live handy please contact Rebecca Rose 318 5123 or email rose.bec.mark@gmail.com . It won't involve a lot of work as savouries last year were able to be collected in bulk to cover almost 3 weeks and others maybe able to help with this. The pies can be placed in the pie warmer at school so not necessary to heat them all at home. Once details have been worked through more information will come out regarding orders, costs and logistics.If you have any feedback from last year or further ideas please contact me at the number above or send me through an email.I realise this will be a new concept to those that didn't have students at the school last winter so will elaborate more when I have details.Many Thanks Rebecca
South Malvern Netball
South Malvern Netball Club needs YOU to play, coach, umpire, be a committee member etc. Just come and have a go. More info & Registration forms at https://www.sporty.co.nz/southmalvernnetballclubSOUTH MALVERN CLUB DAY: This is being held on March 29th at Glentunnel School between 2-4pm. Come along and complete your registration if you haven’t already and collect uniforms on this day. There will be some netball ‘have a go’ games as well. Bring water, active wear, and a great fun attitude. Cash payment of subs can also be made at club day.
Any queries: southmalvern@gmail.com Shelley (club secretary) 0220922636
St Bede's College Roadshow:
Please see the PDF attached to this What's On for more info on this if you are interested.