Hero photograph
Photo by Rebecca Ross

Staff Bios: Mrs Graham

Rebecca Ross —

Click here to get to know Mrs Graham

Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Maukatere te maunga,
Ko Rakahuri te awa,
Ko ngati Pākehā te iwi,
Ko Graham tōku ingoa whānau.
Ko Rob tōku matua.
Ko Cushla tōku whaea.
Ko Nathan tōku hoa rangatira.
Nō Cheviot ahau.
Kei Woodend tōku kāinga.
He kaiako ahau ki Te Kura Tuatahi O Pakiaka.
Ko India tōku ingoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,
tēnā koutou katoa.

How long have you worked at Woodend School and what team are you in now?

I have worked at Woodend School since 2021 and am currently in the Te Hapua team.

What are 3 things you like to do outside of school?

3 things i like to do outside of school are read books, drink coffee and walk my dog.

What is your favourite part of being a teacher?

My favourite part of being a teacher is getting to hang out with cool kids

What are your Favourites?

My favourite colour is green, My favourite food is chocolate, and my favourite drink is coffee. 

We Hope this helped you get to know our very own Mrs Graham.
