Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Term 2 in Te Hapua
We hope you all had wonderful break from school. This term we have a number of exciting events and learning planned for the students. Here are some reminders and information for the first two weeks of school.
Maths: We are starting an exciting maths program this term which will have a greater focus on collaborative learning and the questioning around what types of strategies we use and why. We are excited to see the students grow in confidence during this unit of work. As always we will continue working on fluency of basic facts to 5, then 10 and beyond as well as number knowledge and basic fractions. Please see your child's teacher for handy hints on how this learning can be supported at home.
Reading Literacy: Home connect and reading books will return over the next two weeks. Please continue to read these books with the students and to continue to develop the sounds and blending of words they are currently working on. Library books will also be sent home over the next two weeks.
Writing Literacy: This term in writing we will be starting Information Report Writing and will be researching our favourite animals. Any additonal information researched at home can also be sent in to school to support this exciting topic.
Health and Physical Education Topic Term 2: Next term Te Hapua will be starting our Health and Physical Education curriculum topic - ‘Staying Safe as we Grow’.This programme will cover the following focus areas of learning:
I am unique, He taonga ahau - Getting to know our name, address, and the names of people we live with. Learning to share our feelings especially when we feel unsafe.
Relationships, Ngā whanaungatanga - Learning about respect and how to be a good friend as well as identifying and expressing feelings.
Growing and Changing, Te tipu me te huri o te tangata - Learning how our body moves, the different parts and how to care for our bodies
Staying Safe, Te noho haumaru - Learning how to stand up for ourselves and others, who can keep us safe, safe and unsafe touch.
We will also be teaching the students a form of aerobics based fitness called ‘Jump Jam’ during the physical section of this unit. This is a fun movement to music activity which supports gross motor skills. Alongside this we will have planned lessons around skipping and big ball skills. This should be an enjoyable term of learning and growing in this curriculum area. If you have any questions around the Health Unit of work please touch base with your pakeke teacher or if within school time Mrs Fordyce or Mr Retallick.
Swimming Term 2: In week 5 and 6 this term, the students will be swimming at Dudley pools for instruction. The year 2 students will be swimming 10 am - 12 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and the Year 1 students will be swimming 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm. Monday - Friday. The children will be going to and from the pools on a bus. If you have any questions around swimming, please touch base with your child’s pakeke teacher.
Hats and Footwear: No hats required this term however on wet days gumboots (for outside) and slippers (for inside) are encouraged. Please ensure all warm layers are named clearly so we can return them to you.
News in Te Hapua: Every day a new student is chosen to be STAR for the day. From Term 2, the student who is STAR for the day will also get to bring in news to share. The students will be notified the day before who is STAR the following day.
The teaching team are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Please feel free to come into class with your child in the mornings and share this time to connect with the teachers and other students. We do encourage parents to leave at the first bell to enable the program to start and for easy settling during this time.
See you all soon!
Te Hapua Team - Jo Bartlett, Adelle Thompson, India Graham, Logan Moore