Hero photograph
Te Kura Tuatahi o Pakiaka Woodend School's Intelligent Behaviour Board
Photo by Graeme Barber

Cultural Captain News Term 1 Summary

Lilly and Ty —

By Lilly and Ty

Hi everyone

This term we have had so many exciting things go on!

One of them being the names

Year 1&2 - Te Hapua

Year 3&4 - Te Awa

Year 5&6 - Te Ngahere

Year 7&8 -Te Maunga

Te Hapua is the lagoon

Te Awa is the river

Te Ngahere is the forest

And Te Maunga is the mountain

This is the student's learning journey.

The other thing that has been going on is the clubs. The clubs have started back up again with dance, drama, musical theatre, ukulele club and visual arts club. These are all amazing clubs and we have students coming!

We have all had such a fantastic start to the year and can't wait for term 2. Have a safe, fun holidays!