Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Bucknell

Sausage Sizzles:

Chris Bucknell —

Fantastic news..... we are going to be able to start sausage sizzles again on Friday 10th June

Sausage sizzles will start again on Friday 10th June.  We will just be selling cookies-$1.20 and sausages- $2...... There will be no set combos ..... make your own!!     At this stage we will not be selling drinks.  


*  Money in an envelope

*  Name, order, amount enclosed and the name of your child's team e.g. Te Ngahere, Te Maunga, Te Hapua or Te Awa.

*  Online payments accepted but they need to be put through by Thursday so that we can pick them up online on the Friday morning.  You also need to put the actual paper order through as per instructions above and just add paid online to the order. 

*  Orders can be handed in at the Tuck Shop window on the Friday morning.


Anyone who is willing and able to help with either collecting orders from 8.30 am to 9.00 am or cooking at lunchtime, please get in touch with Brenda - b.fordyce@woodend.school.nz or 0278431889


We are experiencing a high rate of sickness amongst staff at the moment - some covid related, colds and flu and tummy bugs.  You may have noticed a large number of relievers around school due to this.  We are very fortunate to have good relief staff who keep our classroom programmes running well.   If you have any questions and your child's teacher is not there, talk to the Team Leaders or pop into the office.