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Photo by Alicia Bloomfield

Reasons behind bullying.

Alicia —

This is Alicia's essay about reasons behind bullying.

Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top”. But bullies don’t understand that, they think that bringing others down will make them look even better.what do you always see happening in schools? Kids being mean to their peers. But do you ever wonder why kids bully? The 5 most common reasons for kids bullying, are number 1, They come from unstable,unloving homes and see bullying happening in their homes and they think it is ok. 2,they need to have the control and power. 3, They will get rewarded or not punished for bullying. 4, They don’t care how others will feel and how bullying affects their lives. 5, They can’t regulate their emotions and don’t know what to do with them. These are all different reasons that kids could bully. Every kid is different and have their own thoughts and opinions. But there is always a reason for bullying.

If a kid saw bullying happening in their unstable,unloving home at a young age and didn’t know any better they would think that it is ok. But it isn’t. Young kids are just learning how to do things in life and they see their parents or siblings being bullied. At such a young age they would think it is ok. If a child grew up in this environment they would start picking up habits of a bully and then the kid when he or she is older would end up being the bully at school. Empowering parents .com has also said some of this information in their article. But No bullying.com thinks that bullying is because of institutional causes which means it is when the standard is not set very high in school or at home. But with that happening, school teachers always want their students to succeed, they would always set the bar very high for them to help them achieve their goals and dreams.It isn’t teachers or parents not setting a standard high enough.It is kids not setting a high enough standard for themselves, them not wanting to push themselves hard enough to reach their goals causing them to lash out and start bullying others. It is way more likely that kids see it in their homes and don’t know any better. When kids are young they don’t understand what is right from wrong. There little young minds think that everything is ok and when they start getting older they think that is how others treat each other and will start treating others how they see it in their homes and might not realise that it is wrong until they are older but it is what they have grown up with and don’t know how to stop bullying because it is their nature and how they have grown up. Kids are amazing at imitating adults, adults around kids need to show them good things to imitate.

Kids are always wanting attention from their peers,parents,teachers basically anybody. Kids are young and want people to be interested in them and what they are doing. They seek attention at school to try get friends and be popular,they do this by bullying other kids. Bullying and being mean always gets a lot of attention in schools. Because they don’t want it to be happening. But kids gossip about it which makes the bully popular because everyone is talking about what he or she did. But kids shouldn’t bully to try get popularity, kids shouldn’t bully at all. Kids like to feel important and to have attention but you can get attention in good ways like Achievements, being good a different things or being funny and many more. There are so many ways kids can get good attention they just don’t want to or can’t be bothered trying to get good attention they decide to try get bad attention because it is easier. Many teenagers group up to bully someone, they have a group of people and target one person because they don’t have a high social status which makes them easier to bully and makes them feel even worse especially if they don’t have many friends they can talk to. This is how people bully others at any age but it is mainly girls and happens more at teenage years. Grouping up gets more attention as well but less punishment because it is a group they don’t know who has done most of it and started the bullying because some people in the group might have done nothing to the other kids just stood and watched. Children are always seeking attention . To have someone giving them their undivided attention. It is what they crave as a kid when they are young they expect someone to play cars with them, that is a way of getting attention. They grow up with that habit of wanting attention and keep it going through school and maybe even adult life. Kids just want attention, positive or negative they don’t seem to mind.

Some kids want to have power and control. Some kids crave power and control but don’t get it at home they decide to bully others at school to have power and control over their peers because they feel powerless at home.This Information was found at huffpost.com. Some have too much power at home, then they demand power at school from their peers. They want to be in control of how they get treated and what happens to them, they want to be in control of the situation. They don’t want to be the one bullied at school, they take control of the situation and bully others to keep himself from being the one that has to go through the pain of being bullied.

What could parents and adults can be doing to prevent their child from becoming a bully? They could be creating a household of accountability for the child. Then they learn to take responsibility for their actions. They can Teach kids to solve problems without using violence and praise them when they do. Adults can Give children positive feedback when they behave well to help them build self-esteem. Help give them the self-confidence to stand up for what they believe in. Ask your child about their day and listen to them talk about school, social events, their classmates, and any problems they have. Take bullying seriously. Many kids are embarrassed to say they have been bullied. You may only have one chance to step in and help. If you see any bullying, stop it right away, even if your child is the one doing the bullying. Encourage your child to help others who need it. Don't bully your children or bully others in front of them. Many times kids who are bullied at home react by bullying other kids. If your children see you hit, ridicule, or gossip about someone else, they are also more likely to do so themselves. Always support anti bullying and makes sure your child knows that bullying is not ok.This information was found on the ncpc website. As parents and adults set a good example for kids by doing these things and more.

There is always a reason for people doing anything, especially bullying. The most common reasons for kids bullying are kids seeing bullying happening in their home and think it is ok, Also Wanting attention from their peers and also trying to gain popularity at the same time and some kids are wanting to have power and control over their peers. There are lots of different things parents and adults could be doing to try prevent kids becoming a bully such as creating a household of accountability for their kids and many more. These are the most common reasons for kids bullying others.


The quote at the start “ Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top ” was found from http://antibullyingblog.blogspot.co.nz/2012/11/anti-bully-blogs-quote-of-day_7351.html

Some information from paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 was found from https://nobullying.com/why-bully/ https://www.empoweringparents.com/article/the-secret-life-of-bullies-why-they-do-it-and-how-to-stop-them/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-gail-gross/what-causes-your-child-to_b_5980002.html

The information from paragraph 5 is from the ncpc website.