Hero photograph
Photo by J Bartlett

Kia ora e te whānau - Celebrating Week 3 in Te Hapua

J Bartlett —

What a lovely time we have had getting to know all the fabulous learners in Te Hapua over the past three weeks. The children have been focussing on getting to know the routines in their learning spaces as well as their peers and kaiako. Check out the fabulous Picasso Portraits from Mrs Bartletts class. The following newsletter contains some information and reminders about the next two weeks.

Reading Folders and Home connect books:  These will now be coming home each day and will contain some learning for your child that can be practiced at home.  This may differ between classes and year groups however we do all require the folder to be returned to school daily to ensure reading books are kept clean and tidy.  Some students may also have additional sight words and heart words in their book.  This is to enable students to learn at home at their own pace.  Readers may be changed every week or every fortnight and will be dependent on the level and stage of the learner.  Some readers may be a little easier than those read at school as they will be readers that allow the student to read for pleasure not at an instructional pace.  We also encourage the students to read books from home.  Please check with your child's pakeke teacher if you require more information about home learning.

Literacy and Numeracy programs:  Our learning programs are now up and running and the children are enjoying the challenges and new opportunities provided.  Over the next few weeks teachers will be assessing the students and working out next steps and goals to develop skills and knowledge in both literacy and numeracy. We are also encouraging the students to know what they are learning and why as well as their goals in learning.   .

Hats: The children require a hat at school this term. These can be kept at school if this if easier. Please name clearly and this will ensure they get returned if misplaced. 

Sausage sizzle:  We have a school sausage sizzle every Friday.   The cost is - $1.50. for a Cookie and $2.00 for a Sausage in bread with sauce. Please ensure the online payment is completed before Friday so that payments can be seen. Our bank account: ASB 12 3616 0031570 00 We are always keen to hear from anyone who has a spare hour or so every now and then to help on our Parent Roster. Please email or see Brenda in the office. b.fordyce@woodend.school.nz if you are available to help.

Student teachers:  We have two new student teachers in the Te Hapua team this term.  Mr Jason Hodzelmans (Mr H) will be in Mrs Bartlett's class and Miss Ella Miles will be in Mrs Frasers class. We look forward to working with these talented trainees throughout the term.

Scooter track:  Every day the students can bring their scooter to ride down in the Te Hapua space at break times.  On Tuesday and Friday the students can ride on The Scooter track outside Mrs Bartlett and Miss Thompsons space.  Students require a helmet and must have their own scooter to ride - no borrowing scooters please.

Have a wonderful week!

Te Hapua Team

Toni, Suzy, Indi, Logan, Adelle and Jo