New School Karakia
Click here to find out about the our new karakia we will be learning.
Kia ora everyone, We would like to let you all know that we will be learning another karakia soon. This karakia is a welcoming karakia for visitors who come to our school so now the whole school can come together and make the visitors feel welcome. This is the karakia:
Tēnā koutou katoa
Nau mai haere mai ki te kura tuatahi o Pakiaka.
Ko Maukatere te maunga
Ko Rakahuri te awa
Ko Ngāi Tūāuhiriri te hapū
Nō reira kia mauri tau.
This is the translation
I acknowledge you all
Welcome to Woodend School
Maukatere is our mountain
Rakahuri is our river
Ngāi Tūāhuriri are the subtribe
Therefore, may you arrive settled.
Some of the student leaders will be teaching everyone this soon. This will be a nice way to welcome visitors to our school.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your week.
By Lily