Graeme Barber — Oct 26, 2016

This review is being conducted to gain insight from the public on their experiences and possible improvement opportunities to the SH1 corridor in the study area (primarily in the vicinity of Woodend School). 

The Parent Survey is now live for Parents to complete by Friday 11 November

 The State Highway (SH1) through Woodend (Main North Road) carries approximately 14,000 traffic movements per day, and approximately 10% of these movements involve heavy vehicles. The heavy traffic through Woodend presents significant difficulties for people living there. There are instances where motorists encounter significant delays when trying to access State Highway 1 from side streets, and this influences how and when road users choose to travel. Crossing SH1 to go to school also presents a challenge for children living to the east of the main road and means that higher levels of supervision are needed with greater tendency for parents to use vehicles to take their children to school than might otherwise be the case.

NZTA will be, over the next few weeks, conducting  insight surveys involving students, parents and staff  to gain insight  on their experiences and possible improvement opportunities to the SH1 corridor in the study area (primarily in the vicinity of Woodend School). 

These insights will include transportation concerns, problems to correct, issues to consider, and potential travel constraints or challenges on SH1 and ideas for improvements. It is also possible that the surveys may provide useful insights into how distance (proximity to school) and how attitudes and perceptions of safety influence school travel  choice.

Graeme Barber is representing the school on a working party that is leading this review. Regular updates will be provided so watch this space.