Woodend School Newsletter - 22nd June 2022 # No: 9

In this issue

🗓 Calendar Events:

22nd June - Canterbury Cross Country 

                 -  Debate with Amberley School at Woodend

24th June - Matariki holiday

27th June - Board of Trustees Meeting - 6pm

1st July - School  'Out of This World' Disco

8th July - End of Term 2 - 3pm

25th July - Term 3 begins - 8.55 am


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Board of Trustees News:

The Board of Trustees is excited to announce to our parent community the appointment of  Andrew Retallick to the Principal position. Andrew will start with us in Term 4.  Some may remember Andrew  as an ex pupil of Woodend School many years ago.   Andrew  has been Principal at Lepperton School in Taranaki and is looking forward to meeting the staff, parent community and students soon.


We welcome Toby who has started with us this week.  We hope you soon feel part of our school family.

We are nearing the end of another busy but very productive term.  Next term is shaping up to be just as busy !  We have four students who have made it through to the Canterbury Zones Cross Country being held today at Nga Punawai.  Congratulations to; Rebecca, R.J. Lucas and Ariya.  This is a huge achievement and we wish them all the best.

Quiz Night

The PSA are working on a Quiz Night to be held at the Kaiapoi Golf Club next term.  Check out the flyer attached for further details.  We are asking families to please support this by supplying either a grocery item or a bar of chocolate for this night to use as prizes on the night. These items can be dropped off to the Office at any stage.  Many thanks for your support with this.

Kaiapoi High School Enrolments:

Please ensure you have filled out your child's enrolment form for 2023 and returned this.  There is an online enrolment available on the KHS website - go to Parent/Caregiver site to do this.  Enrolments must be completed by 29th July at the latest.  If you do need assistance with the enrolment forms we do have some paper copies in the office.

Ngā mihi nui

Adrienne Simpson



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