Dear Parents and Caregivers,
ππ Welcome to Kaleb, Jordyn, Jade, Carter, Travis, Harley, Lily, Mark, Nixon, Paige, Noah and RJ who have all started at Woodend recently!
We are well into Term 2 with the Life Education programme operating this week and next Monday. Thank you to our WSSPA team for subsidizing the costs for the programme. Yesterday our Debating team competed at Kaiapoi North School and won the moot "School Is The Best Place To Learn". Congratulations to Nikita, Lili, and Zoe on presenting their arguments so convincingly. They now wait to hear who they debate against in the next round.
Wheeling Our Scooters
The photo above shows some of our lucky winners in the Assembly prize draw of all the students who gained playground tickets for wheeling their scooters to and from the gates in the morning and the afternoon. We are still watching carefully and students still have the opportunity to get another playground ticket for following the correct procedure and wheeling their scooters. There will be another draw at the next Assembly.
Updating Details
We are noticing some changes to addresses and phone numbers where the changes have not been relayed to office staff. To make sure we have the correct information on file, please let us know of any changes that may occur. We can only use what we have on file and in an emergency it makes things extra difficult. Many thanks for your co-operation.
Secondhand Clothing
We have a good source of items for anyone wishing to buy secondhand. Most items are reasonably priced with items starting at just $5.00.
SKIDS - our Safe Kids In Daily Supervision programme which operates before school from 7.00 am and after school till 6 pm has revised its pricing. Please take a look at the competitive rates in the SKIDS article as attached.
We are continuing to notice students are still here at school after 3.30 pm. There is a clearing bell at 3.30 indicating that ALL students need to go home. It is important and in our school policy that all students go home first before returning. This way parents know where their children are and take responsibility for them. Please have a talk with your child(ren) around this.
After the WSSPA AGM on Monday evening the current committee are looking at re-organising WSSPA organisation and will be canvassing all parents with a survey to gain your thoughts and opinions. We have a lot of parents that help at all our school WSSPA events and are looking at creating a database of parents to help for specific events such as the fair and disco. We are also looking for a Fair Co-ordinator for the fair this year in September. We already have a team of willing workers but need someone to oversee the event. Please contact the office if you are interested. There will be a disco towards the end of the term - see the article attached.
Entertainment Books:
This is our big fundraiser at present raising funds to replenish our junior sports shed ! The books should be arriving next week and one will be sent home with the youngest child in the family. Share the fact that we are fundraising with these books around family and friends as the more people that know we are selling these means the more equipment we can buy.
You are welcome to share this link with your family and friends on social media and get them all on board !
Our online order page is
Adrienne Simpson
Acting Principal