by Alicia Bloomfield

Head Student News Week 4

Charlie, Alicia, Thom and MadisonNovember 7, 2017

By Madison and Thom (helped by Charlie and Alicia)

Hello everyone

Yesterday November 7th, all of the applications were brought into the staffroom and we were told who the new 2018 student leaders were...

Congratulations Kyle, Simon ,Meica, Eli, Thom, Madison, Benji and Georgia, the new student leaders for 2018. A huge congratulations to all those who applied, we are proud of you all!

The 2017 and 2018 student leaders have been paired up together to help mentor and transition the new team. The pairs are Kyle and Ty, Simon and Isaac, Meica and Eva, Eli and Lewis, Thom and Charlie, Madison and Alicia, Benji and Ruby, Lilly and Georgia. 

They do not know what their roles are yet, this will be announced at the Senior Prize-giving later this term.

We look forward to seeing what the new student leaders can do for the school.

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