Te Pou by Graeme Barber

'Te Pou' a Pillar Te Kura o Pakiaka and Woodend

Chris BucknellNovember 8, 2017

Here at Woodend School and part of our Cultural Narrative and history, we have had the pleasure to be gifted Māori names for our School and the two storied building.

The Māori name for our school is 'Pakiaka' - "Te Kura o Pakiaka" meaning "Roots of the Tree" The name 'Pakiaka" fits with the 'Tree' theme for Woodend School. The roots are the foundation through which the tree receives sustenance; a metaphoric reference to the method by which students gain their knowledge.
'Ki te kore te Pakiaka, kāore te rākau i tipu' - Pakiaka is a metaphor for rangatiratanga; without roots, a tree cannot grow. A place name for a location near to the Ruataniwha River (the Cam). Pakiaka is situated at the hairpin bend of the Cam near Harrisons and was the site of old-time cultivations.The Māori name of the two storied building is 'Te Pou' meaning 'A Pou is a carved upright figure; A pillar; A Pou Whenua is a land marker. This name was chosen as it is easy to say, a Pou is created from wood, and the name of the nearby road "Te Pou-aPatuki" (Patuki's Pou) is likely a reference to the fact that a Pou stood nearby. The new building will be a "Pou" - an upright structure - for the kura. As a two-storied structure, it could be seen as a "pillar" for the Woodend township.

Here are some comments from the students around the new building

  • It's pretty cool up the top - Zak
  • I like the view out over the top to the community centre - Keiran
  • It's awesome - the TV's are cool, we like being upstairs - it's not so good when we have been running around and then have to take our shoes off - our feet smell!!!!! - Blair
  • It's pretty cool - I like all the technology - Hamish
  • We still need some cloakrooms - Levi
  • It's a great learning space - Tiki
  • It's taking our learning to the next level - Tyler
  • The small rooms are great learning spaces - Simon
  • The sound proofing of the small rooms is really good - Finn
  • There's lots of space to do stuff and it's easier to focus in the sound proof rooms - Lili B
  • It's really good for our teaching groups - the whole space is much bigger and more comfortable - Nikita
  • The space is great - the sound proofed rooms make it easier to concentrate - I really like the IB colours of the rooms - Jess
  • It's a big improvement - it's much quieter and the small rooms are great. - Thom
  • It's really cool - it's easier to work in the silent rooms - Lily S
  • I really like the silent rooms - we get more work done, but I love the big space - Frankie
  • The new rooms are really cool - there are lots of TV's - Caine
  • It's awesome - it's big so we can spread out - Kea
  • I like the big space for collaboration and the quiet spaces for working - Madeline

After the first week a comment  to the question  What do you think of the new rooms? was :

  • It awesome - it's like heaven at school!!! - Jack

Comments from some of the staff

Lucy - It's amazing - a really calm place to teach in and acoustically very quiet !

It's allowing the children to stay focused as it is such a restful space to be  in.

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