Woodend School Newsletter - 14th March 2025 - # No: 4

In this issue

Kia ora koutou e te whānau,

Wow—week 6 already! This term is flying by.

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our STIN Hui. We were thrilled to see 80% of parents and caregivers join their children in discussions about their strengths, talents, interests, and needs. These conversations are so valuable in setting meaningful goals for Term 1 and beyond.

Attendance Matters

As part of our commitment to student success, our Leadership Team closely monitors attendance patterns. Regular attendance is key to learning, so we appreciate your support in ensuring your child is at school whenever possible.

If your child is sick or unable to attend, please notify us before 9:00 am via the HERO app or by calling the school office. If we have not received an explanation for an absence by 9:15 am, we will contact you. If we are unable to reach you, the absence will be marked as Truant and referred to Attendance Services.

Your cooperation helps us keep all tamariki safe and engaged in their learning.

Important Road Safety Reminder

We have received a concern from one of our local school bus drivers regarding students scootering home through Ravenswood in the afternoons. In particular, students have been seen cutting across Bob Robertson Drive into Stackwood Ave without checking for vehicles.

Last Friday, a driver had to swerve to avoid an accident, and we want to ensure all our tamariki are keeping themselves and others safe on the roads.

Please remind your child to:
✅ Stop and check carefully before crossing any street.
✅ Use footpaths and pedestrian crossings whenever possible.
✅ Stay alert and avoid distractions like wearing headphones while scootering.

We will also speak to students about this at school, but your support in reinforcing these safety messages at home would be greatly appreciated. Let’s work together to keep our tamariki safe!

2025 Enrolments and Beyond

 If you have a child starting school this year or 2026, or know of families considering enrolling and live in our school zone, please get in touch with the office as soon as possible or fill out an online enrolment form on our school website.

Ngā mihi nui

Andrew and the Woodend Team


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