Christmas Love Bomb

Jo Brooks —

Let's love bomb our community. In Week 8 Woodstock Staff are going to be taking time to put together a few special Christmas parcels to share some Woodstock love within our community (school whānau) who for various reasons have had a tough year.

Can you help with donating some of the following items:

  • Chocolate
  • Savoury (crackers/chips),
  • Cans/baking goods (flour, sugar, gravy)
  • Sweet (biscuits/lollies)
  • Drinks (tea, coffee, milo, fizzy, juice)
  • Toiletries (soap, toilet paper, hand soap, shampoo, conditioner)
  • Halal, Gluten free, dairy free
  • Festive

NB: the examples in brackets are just ideas. Feel free to contribute other ideas as long as they are non-consumable.

We will have boxes in the office to leave donated goods from Thursday 24 November to Monday 5th December.