Kiwi Exam Results

Claire Blomfield —

We would like to formally acknowledge the children who participated in the recent Kiwi Exams this year run by the University of Canterbury. These optional exams for Year 5 and 6 children are available for children to opt into. We are so proud of the following children who have chosen to challenge themselves against other children from across the country. They are certainly living our Woodstock Values. A special mention to Will Hoad (English and Science) and Rayford Ruan (Maths) who achieved an excellence in the exams.


Will HoadExcellence
Tessa Marinkovich Merit
Liam Bennett Merit
Harry Denton Achieved
Rayford Ruan Achieved
Flynn Tanner-Stott Achieved
Jack Anderson Achieved
Abigail Fung Achieved
Angel Pologa Participated
Holly Warren Participated
Harlem Mataia Participated
Cohen Stringer Participated


Rayford RuanExcellence
Harry Denton Merit
Hudson Penny Merit
Tessa Marinkovich Achieved
Flynn Tanner-Stott Achieved
Cohen Stringer Achieved
Holly Warren Participated
Jack Anderson Participated
Liam Bennett Participated
Abigail Fung Participated
Harlem Mataia Participated
Bryn Mcgeady-Lee Participated
Reece Noble Participated
Jackson O’Brien Participated


Will HoadExcellence
Harry Denton Merit
Rayford Ruan Merit
Fergus Byrne Merit
Tessa Marinkovich Achieved
Jack Anderson Achieved
Reece Noble Achieved
Cohen Stringer Achieved
Flynn Tanner-Stott Participated
Holly Warren Participated
Liam Bennett Participated
Abigail Fung Participated
Harlem Mataia Participated


Tessa Marinkovich Achieved
Kristof Erdei Achieved
Abigail Fung Achieved
Elise Richardson Achieved
Victor-Rome Balzer-Elliott Participated