BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Claire Blomfield —

Information for Parents of children in Year 5 and 6 in 2024
As many of you know, Woodstock has operated an optional “bring your own device” (BYOD) in the senior classes at school. The use of Chromebooks are now firmly embedded into the classroom teaching and learning programmes.

If your child is entering into Year 5 and 6 this year, the option for them to bring their own Chromebook device to school will continue. BYOD is certainly not compulsory, but the children who have chosen to bring their own device to school have benefited from doing so.

Woodstock has a partnership with Noel Leeming for our BYOD programme. Most children who have purchased a Chromebook have found the basic model listed meets all of their classroom requirements. (We do recommend a minimum of 4GB Ram).

Also find below a list of frequently asked questions in regards to BYOD. Hopefully this covers all queries you may have in regards to the use of Chromebooks in the classroom.

If you still have a question in regards to our BYOD programme after reading through the FAQs, please do not hesitate to make contact. Email if you require more information.

Kind regards

Woodstock School
Year 5 and 6 Syndicate

BYOD @ Woodstock School
Frequently Asked Questions

How will the devices be secure at school?

Personal Chromebooks will be stored in a child’s desk when not in use. The classrooms are locked at break times to maintain security. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure their device is placed in their desk.

What about insurance cover?

Insurance covering the device is the responsibility of parents/caregivers. You should check with your insurer first in regards to your level of cover.

Will my child be the only one using their device?

As a general rule, your child would remain in control and have responsibility for their device. However, as learning is a collaborative experience there may be times when your child is required to "share their screen" with other students. We would not request your child to lend their device to others.

Should my child bring their power cord to school?

No. Children should bring their Chromebook to school fully charged and leave their power cords at home.

Do we as parents/caregivers need to be confident in the use of the device?

Somewhat. We do expect a basic level of understanding (charging, powering on, logging in etc.) from children and their parents/caregivers. Our teachers however are familiar with the Chromebook and will be able to provide support and guidance to parents on this device. You will learn a lot from your child too!

Will pen and paper no longer be used?

Pen and paper will still be used. Some tasks (notes, planning) can be easier and quicker when performed by hand and allow for viewing alongside a device. It is about choosing the right tool for the job, whether that be pen, paper or the device. Students that have not yet mastered writing legibly and fluently by hand will still practice this as part of their learning.

Will my child be able to continue using their device at Intermediate?

Yes, they should but please check with the Intermediate your child will be attending first.

Will my child still learn PE, Art, Science etc?

Yes. We are not changing the curriculum at all so your child's learning will continue to cover all areas of the curriculum. Teachers will provide learning opportunities in all areas that both utilise devices and that encourage students to explore and learn without the assistance of their device. The device is a tool to support learning, not a substitution for learning.

Who sets up wireless access?

This will all be set up by Woodstock School. Your child will receive assistance with setting these up on their device. Students will have an individual wifi login and a Woodstock Google account.

Is it alright to ban my child from a device at school, if I have banned them from a device at home?
Although it is acceptable to ban the use of a device at home, at school it is a tool for learning. We ask that a punishment given at home, does not transfer over into school. This will hinder your child’s learning, as they rely on having a device to complete their school work.

How is internet access and use monitored?

Teachers will have access to Hapara Teacher Dashboard which allows them monitoring access to children's google documents and internet traffic. This allows teachers to easily access a student documents to provide feedback and next learning steps. As a G Suite (Google Apps for Education) school, our accounts are free from advertising and spam. We use Network for Learning’s firewall and Hapara Highlights to view internet choices. Ultimately however the best filter will be in the child’s own head. Cyber safety is a constant message which is always being reinforced to children as they use internet devices. We know that children might make mistakes, but we are here to guide them along the way. We understand that the internet can be a scary place and we endeavour to work alongside parents in educating students as to how to enjoy the internet while remaining safe.