Hero photograph
Action Plan Illustration
Photo by Allan Robertson

Allergies, Asthma and Eczema

Allan Robertson —

Please note that we are revising our systems around Allergies, Asthma and Eczema. If your child has one of these conditions then please take the time to read the following information.

To make sure that all of our students are safe we need to have all the information we need to be able to provide the correct care. This care may include the administering of medication.

YMS staff are not medical practitioners and so we need clear instructions from a doctor as what to do for day-to-day care and in the event of an emergency.

We are finding that either parents are giving instructions to the office or that we are receiving medical certificates from doctors that do not clearly set out what we actually need to do. 

YMS has an Allergy Policy and one of the expectations in this policy is that your doctor will create and sign a care plan for your child for you to supply to YMS. I am sure we all agree that it should not be left to YMS staff to interpret what medication a child is or is not to have in respect to treatment or medication. 

Please see the various forms that are attached on the ASCIA Action Plans and Treatment Plans for allergies and eczema.

Please see the attachment of the Asthma Management Plan.

Lynda, in the office, is very happy to provide any of the forms that the doctor needs to sign.